-Soft skin all over!

-My exercises: broken down

-Summery beach tutorial

-What's in my purse

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hardcore Spring Fever

Okay, so can someone say SPRING FEVER?!?

Oh my god you guys, It's crazy. Yesterday it was 68 degrees out!!??! Ummm, it felt like heaven compared to this nasty nasty winter. But today...it dipped back down to 43. =(

It's so cold and dismal out again. I JUST WANT SPRING TO BE HERE!

I just got some nice drugstore SPRINGISH makeup, so if you want a spring tutorial give requests in the comments!

I also ordered some clothes online from Forever 21....can ya say win?!

I got some capris, new jeans, a pair of shorts, some cute shirts, a beautiful watch, and a necklace. So YAY! I can't wait until they get here. I'm in despereate need for clothes...because my wardrobe is this: WINTER CLOTHES and SUMMER CLOTHES. And at my school we can't wear "summer clothes" (ex. tank tops, sandals, and shorts) so some capris, lighter shirts, etc is a must.

I also got everything in a size smaller, so that I can have a goal to fit into them! (Which I'm so close to!!)

Anyways, requests in the comments pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

And click that follow button if you'd like pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!



  1. I'm with you on the spring fever....went on a little Forever 21 shopping spree too!! lol Your blog is cute! Folloe me back :)
